"Because I said so" .... and other things your mum used to say
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When asking my youngest daughter to do something over and over again, I began to tire of the relentless "why" and resorted to one of my mum's favourite sayings "because I said so". It was out of my mouth before I realised. What had I done? Had I morphed into my mother? Or just become "a mother".
There seems to be a generic list of things that mothers all say to their children, despite swearing when we were younger, that we would NEVER utter those words.
Here are my top ten things that I swore I would never say:
1. "Because I said so". (There is simply no answer to this one).
2. "If you keep pulling that face, it will stick like that" (I truly believed this would happen.)
3. "Don't you make me pull this car over...." (incredibly effective for no apparent reason)
4. "There are starving children all over the world who would gladly eat your dinner!" (unfortunately my smarty pants daughter suggested we should send it to them!!)
5. "Just WAIT till your Dad gets home!" (because his word is clearly more effective than mine!)
6. "If so and so jumped off a bridge would you jump off a bridge?" (the answer to this is obviously No!)
7. "Money doesn't grow on trees you know" (this was one of my mums particular favourites)
8. "Do as I say, not as I do" (especially prevalent when talking about the use of make up and mobile phones!)
9. "If you don't stop crying, I will give you something to cry about". (the possible threat of losing one of their favourite toys is enough to stop unecessary wailing but when did I turn into "the confiscator mum"?)
10. "One day you'll thank me" (although, I will probably have to wait till the girls have children for this to actually happen).
Did you nod your way through the list?
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