Finding funds for family festivities
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There are 70 sleeps till Christmas. Ooops I did it again, I mentioned the C word before November! There has been a rule in my family that we don't mention Christmas until after my brothers birthday in November. He used to get really upset with any of us that started talking about Christmas before his birthday and when I say he used to, I am still only referring to last year!
So we have to do stealth Christmas preparation prior to November and I have been having a clear out of the bedrooms in readiness for the arrival of Father Christmas. Unfortunately for my other half, this also meant I was clearing out anything that gathered dust on a regular basis .... it is a good job that he doesn't sit in the same place for very long.
So I went through all the children's old clothes, toys and our somewhat amazing dvd collection and on the recommendation of a friend, decided to do a car boot sale. I did not relish getting up at 5am in the morning but we did laugh at us bartering over 50 pence. Whilst I was determined that we were not coming home with a car full of stuff, I didn't want to give everything away for pennies as the profits of our little Sunday morning venture was going towards our family festivities. Unfortunately with music and movies so easily downloadable these days, the dvd collection remained one of the only things remaining on our little pasting table, so the minute I got home I got the app on my phone for Music Magpie. Doing a car boot sale and selling all our dvd's was never going to make us rich but it was a definitely a unique way to declutter and in the end we had a giggle doing it.
The only person who wasn't laughing was my eldest daughter, who was not amused at me clearing out her room .... especially when I told her that if we didn't declutter her room Father Christmas wouldn't be coming to her because he would think she had too much stuff! Well, it was the only way ......
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Disclaimer : Whilst we received recompence for this post, it is based on personal experience only and is not in any way affiliated.
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