Room 101 - Little Lilypad Co stylee
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Room 101, we all remember that don't we? I am sure those of a "certain" age will remember it but if you don't (well frankly you are clearly too young), Room 101 is where celebrities used to send things that frustrated, irritated and ultimately annoyed the wotsits out of them. Well I was tagged by the very lovely Lady Briggs in her Room 101 post, so here goes ....
Wire Coat Hangers
These are a particular pet peeve of the man on the Lilypad and consequently when I hear them being wrestled out of the wardrobe and flung on the bed in a rage, then I have a definate distaste for them. Wire coat hangers seem to get tangled with everything else in the wardrobe and we have clearly had too much dry cleaning done, as we seem to have an abundance of them. So they can go ....
Cereal Packets
There is a certain well known brand of wheat biscuits that are a delicious and fibre rich breakfast cereal. Unfortunately the packaging means that you have to tear it open and the crumbly bits of cereal go everywhere. Those with children know that the morning routine is akin to a military operation so crumbly wheaty biscuit bits all over the side and the floor is not helpful. Ever.
Not finishing the job
This may sound a little random but I mean in movies, when the bad guy gets knocked over, for goodness sake, finish the job. Don't leave him in a state of concussion, ready to get back up again and start all his bad stuff again, (think Stephen King's "Misery" and you will surely understand what I mean!), finish the job.
So those are my pet peeves and I am tagging Andrea from Allyouneedisloveandcake, Donna from MummyCentral and Clare from Seasiderinthecity.
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