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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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Am I a fraud? BritmumsLive 2013

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I jokingly spent a large part of last weekend telling everyone that I wasn't a "real" blogger, that I kind of fell into blogging by accident. When the Lilypad first started, I was told by an SEO expert that I needed to write a blog as Google would like the fresh content and it would help my SEO but what I didn't realise was that it would also help the frustrated writer inside me and give me a forum to diarise part of my children's memories.

So going to BritmumsLive was a massive step outside of my comfort zone (let alone actually wearing a top that wasn't black ... my mother was so proud), so I took a deep breath and some of those imaginary brave pills and I got on the train to London. I am not sure really what I expected about the conference, I was looking forward to learning some new skills, meeting new people and finding some reassurance about whether I was doing it "right".

I put my best (heeled) foot forward and actually found that I didn't need to be brave. There were a collection of amazing women, without agenda or hierachy, that were willing to say hello, have a chat and in some cases, envelope me in a bear hug. (Emma this is you - but you probably knew that already).

I could relive the seminars I attended, or the brands that I met and chatted with but for me, BritmumsLive was about the people. The real, honest, open and friendly people that squealed when they realised that I wasn't actually a frog (like my twitter avatar) and those that wanted to share a cheeky vino or two with me till after midnight (yes Laura and Rebecca, that is you).

There were absolutely things I learnt about other people such as, I never knew that one person could be so enthused about Mooncups (go and google it, I dare you) and Pink Oddy is an amazing ambassador for them! I didn't realise how openly emotional and supportive a room full of people can be about a strangers story (Katie Piper is a true inspiration) and I still cannot comprehend why Soda Stream have never thought to put gin in a Cherry drink before! (Alice you should definately try and patent this!)

So at the end of the weekend, when my high heeled feet could simply walk no more, I asked myself the question as to whether I am a fraud. I write about the things that matter to me, whether that is one of my daughters achievements, a charity campaign or simply my love of shopping and shoes. If being honest, being part of a community and enjoying writing makes me a fraudulent blogger then I hold my hands up. I tell my girls every day that they can be whatever they want to be and a weekend fuelled by inspirational women has made sure that I remember that too!

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  1. You and your high heeled feet are amazing not fraudulent! And you looked lovely as always :)

    Posted on

  2. ahh big hugs are my speciality just wish id ended up drinking in the same bar as you!! Next time for definate....

    Posted on

  3. Ohhhhh Soda Stream I'm very interested in what else goes well with Gin... I may ask them if they'll fund my experiments...

    Posted on

  4. It was an absolute pleasure to meet you over the weekend (even if you did steal my bag ;)). There is NO WAY you are a fraud, you are as much of an oversharing nutter as the rest of us! x

    Posted on

  5. *gasp* you ARE NOT a fraud! I'm sure that most of us definitely never invisaged blogging to a point where we'd be attending events, mingling and well, drinking lots of wine with ACTUAL bloggers. I think the truly lovely thing about BML was that everyone was included and was in the same boat. Was SO good to meet you missus, I'll see you and your crazy shoes next year!! xxx

    Posted on

  6. Lol I'd like to think it's because I need to get out more but I drink pretty frequently with the girls and then have to sleep the whole weekend. Has been amazing seeing you again (twice in one year!) and felt like there hadn't even been almost 20 years in between. Look forward to seeing you again soon x

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