If only I'd known .....
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Many moms will say "If only I'd known" and having had two children, there are lots of things I wish I had known before the birth of both of my daughters. So whilst reading that LittleStuff had teamed up with Aptaclub, who have launched a brilliant new ‘Preparing for Birth’ app to support Mums through the last trimester of pregnancy, I thought it was a good chance to share my own thoughts and "knowledge" to support other mums on the run up to labour! (disclaimer : running in heels whilst 9 months pregnant is not advisable ... trust me!)
* Your body is totally designed to do this. Allow it to do its thing.
* If you continue to tense your body, it will hurt .... more! Try and relax (I am going to ignore the hoards of women laughing across the country at this point)
* If you tense your muscles throughout labour, it is highly likely that your body will feel like you have run a marathon the day after. (My first labour was a testament to this).
* Your birth plan may not go to plan, don't get hung up on it.
* Whilst enjoying the relief of having no periods for 9 months, you may want to prepare yourself for the aftermath of having a baby. Invest in maternity sanitary towels. You will need them (NO-ONE told me this!!)
* Sleep is for the weak .... but it is okay to be weak, grab it when you can. Take no prisoners. Sleep!
* When people offer to help. Accept the help. You will not get a medal for making sure every tiny babygrow is ironed. If someone offers to take a basket of ironing or run the vacuum round let them (and go to sleep while they do it).
* In the early months, its advisable not to wear dry clean clothes, mainly due to the amount of baby vomit that your clothes have to endure. Unless of course, you get a deal at your local dry cleaners.
* Babies are an exhausting, engaging, entertaining and beautiful miracle. Take lots of photos. You will forget the labour but photos will mean you never have to forget a single moment.
This post is Little Lilypad Co's entry into the Aptaclub ‘If Only I’d Known…’ competition”
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