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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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Exercise Tips for Busy Mums

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As mums, we are lucky to find a few moments to ourselves, let alone find time to exercise too! Wouldn’t it be great if we could all have the post-baby bodies of Victoria Beckham, Reese Witherspoon, or Beyonce? The trouble for most mums is finding the time to take regular exercise. While celeb mums have personal trainers who can whip them back into shape and nannies who can take care of their kids while they do it, the average mum has her hands full taking care of the kids and keeping the house in order. Cosmetic surgeries like tummy tucks and breast lifts may seem like an easy way out, but the risk of complications and medical negligence for these procedures is higher than what you may think. Instead, find time to squeeze fitness into your hectic schedule by following these tips: 

1)    Multi-task. 

As a busy mum, you simply may not have the time in your schedule to do a thirty-minute workout at the gym. But you can get some basic workouts in while you’re taking care of the kids, doing household chores, or running errands. Squeeze your glutes while you’re standing over the stove cooking dinner, do a few vertical push-ups each time you go to the toilet, and do some light weightlifting when you’re watching a television programme with the kids. Have time to spare when you’re waiting to pick up the kids from school or football practice? Keep a resistance band in the car to help keep you fit.

 2)    Take advantage of early mornings or nap time. 

If you have younger children, you can use nap time to fit in a quick at-home workout. Stream a fitness programme from the web or pop in a fitness DVD and get moving! Even a fifteen minute cardio workout will help you burn some calories. Mums who can’t seem to get a minute to themselves during the day may be better off trying to fit in a workout before the kids wake up; resist the urge to hit the snooze button and commit to waking up a few minutes early each morning.

 3)    Get the kids involved.

 While your kids will likely be bored by your pilates or yoga practise, they’ll be thrilled about high energy activities like dancing or swimming. Turn on some music and have a dance party in the living room, play a game of tag at the park, or take the kids to the pool to splash around with them one afternoon. If you have an infant in tow, push them in a stroller while you power walk or jog behind them.

 4)    Find a gym with childcare 

Can’t find the motivation to work out on your own? It may be time to head to the gym. Since it’s probably unrealistic to find a babysitter each time you want to work out, joining a gym that offers childcare services will allow you to enjoy a worry-free workout. 

We thought that these tips were pretty useful ..... hope you did too?

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  1. Great tips. It's very hard to find the time and motivation, especially as a new mum, and even more so if you didn't do a lot of exercise pre-children!

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