Seven going on Seventeen
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Do you remember when you were younger and your mom would say "she is 12 going on 21" and typically you would roll your eyes and think it was just Mom being silly and dramatic? Unfortunately when I became a Mom myself, I find myself saying the same old cliche's I heard my own parents say but the worrying this is ..... my daughter isnt 12, she is 7.
Everyone says that children grow up faster these days and I frantically hold onto my daughter's childhood because once that innocence is gone, it is lost forever. With the introduction of technology into their little lives, they are exposed to different mediums of influence (a previous post shared my "love" and consequent confiscation of the iPod) I was a little horrified to hear slight twangs of an American accent coming out of her mouth influenced from some of the programmes she watches and I long for the day when Fifi Forget Me Not was the programme she loved most!
This weekend everything was "boring" or "borrrrrrrring" if I am saying it correctly (am clearly down with the kids) and this is where I have to remember that I am the grown up. Sometimes her behaviour amuses me as I see her growing up and developing her personality but arguing with me is not amusing and we had quite a bit of that this weekend! She was certainly reminded about her boundaries!
I am sure I could start a whole new blog about how my 7 year old thinks she is a teenager but I am sure she will get to a point where she doesn't want me to write about her at all, so for now I will just say that she is "7 going on 17" and wait for her to roll her eyes at me, like I did when I was 12.
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