Injecting some enthusiasm into our swimming
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The little fish was returning to the water this week, after half term, so Nanny was excited that she was finally going to get to use her goggles and see the little one swim under water. Unfortunately the little fish has had her MMR injections and has not been amused ever since. As most parents know, the MMR is three separate vaccines, and each one can exhibit different side effects which can then occur at different times. We are always reassured that side effects are mild and from a parents perspective, I am always mindful that the side effects are milder than the potential complications of measles, mumps and rubella. The side effect in our house however has been general grouchiness!!
So did we go swimming ....? Of course we did!
We checked with Water Babies and they say that as long as the doctor is fine with it, so are they. They tell us that they "have had many babies who’ve done doctors in the morning, swimming in the afternoon, with no problems whatsoever. In fact it could even be a bonus, with the warm water acting as a tonic should their arm or leg be feeling a little stiff by then".
Unfortunately the only worry that Nanny had with regards to arms or legs was them being wrapped around her so tightly that there was more clinging than swimming this week. As usual the Water Babies instructor was fabulous but in the end agreed that the little fish was too fractious to swim underwater during this session (much to Nanny's dismay).
So with all the crying and drama, due to injections rather than swimming this week, I think Nanny needed ear plugs rather than goggles!! Maybe next week Mum!!
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