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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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5 things all parents should expect before the end of term

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The summer holidays are nearly upon us. We know not because of the warmer weather or crosses on the kitchen calendar. No. We know end of term is nigh as the days merge into one and descend into chaos.

Typical classroom teaching winds down, making way for school trips, sports days, and outdoor lessons. And so, as soon as our children step through our front door, they bounce off the walls in free-spirited unison, as we battle the bake for tomorrow’s school fund cake sale. Beyond the endless non-uniform days that are begging to be forgotten, what else can we expect from the end of summer term?

LLP - 5 things all parents should expect before the end of term

1. Summer fayre fiascos

It’s school fayre time! Oh yes. You know it is, because every week for the last month you have been asked to donate an item for each of the featuring stalls. You’ve sent bottles, brick-a-brac, toys, chocolate… your soul.

And the best bit is, after so willingly donating out of the goodness of your heart, you then make an appearance at the event, solely to win or buy back every item you sent in. The joy.

2. Shrinking school shoes

You bought a sturdy set of school shoes in January, and your child is a hero. They haven’t grown out of them all year, or so you thought. Of course, the first week of July hits, with three weeks left to go, and your child comes home with crippled arches and heel blisters. 

Do you go all out and hope your Big Foot keeps things under control until September, or do you resolve the issue with a cheap pair that will likely fall to pieces before the three weeks are through? Decisions, decisions.

3. Not-so-sunny school trips

What glorious weather we have had. Beautiful weekends filled with barbeques, paddling pools, outdoor day trips. It’s fantastic. We’ve experienced a British heatwave, in fact. Temperatures soared up to 30 degrees. Balmy.

Oh, you’re too hot? Don’t worry because my child has a seaside school trip planned for Tuesday next week, so torrential downpours and gale-force winds are guaranteed across the country. It’s the way it goes.

4. Crammed school bags

The teachers are clearing out their classrooms, and it is just a delight. Be prepared for book bags brimming with extraordinary pieces of art, workbooks, and display-worthy crafts, all created by your dear offspring.

All ten months’ worth of work. You are truly blessed. And so is your fridge.

5. Manic school play prep

You thought you’d done your bit at Christmas. Well, be prepared. It’s the summer school play, and these costumes can’t be found in the fancy dress aisle in Asda. So long trusty tea towel, there are no shepherds this term.

Yes, things are about to get really fantastical. Summer plays are creative, vibrant, colourful. And wow, get ready to throw all that into a last minute costume because it’s on tomorrow. You forgot. You forgot like the rest of us.

Who else is ready for the end of term?


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