What is on your Christmas list?
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With Christmas on the horizon, we are frequently telling our girls to make sure that they are "good" as Santa is watching and they don't want to be on the naughty list this year.
Apparently my girls names are not top of the good list but children named Anna and Harry are most likely to be at the top of Santa’s ‘nice list’ this Christmas. Research by School Stickers, leaders in school rewards, has revealed that children with these names are the most likely to be well behaved. Whereas girls called Leah and boys called Joseph appear to be more prone to naughtiness, however as this is only the ‘draft’ list kids still have a month to improve their behaviour!
It is funny how traditions like this go through the ages, as I can remember my parents using the same tactics on me for making sure that my behaviour was impeccable in the run up to Christmas but the list of "must have gifts" changes as you get older, although looking at what my husband wants, I am sure he is still a big kid!
I have obviously been a very good girl this year, although my name strangely doesn't appear on Santa's good list just yet, so here is my Christmas wish list for a 30 (ahem) something mum of two!
1. A good book. As a child, I loved to read but I just don't seem to get the time these days. Unlike blog posts and news articles, sitting down with a book takes more focus and concentration and when I am fully engaged in a book I can close off the outside world and indulge myself completely in the story.
2. To have control of the remote or music options for one WHOLE day. Get Well Soon or Paw Patrol can just get the tiniest bit repetitive.
3. I know that in years gone by I would have asked for a spa day to help me unwind (although this was in days before children so not entirely sure what I was unwinding from back then) but now I would like a DIY day. Not necessarily for me to indulge in some painting or decorating but for someone to come in to my house, to build the loft extension that I crave, with a spiral staircase, quirky angled roof, soft furnishings, and my husbands request for black out VELUX window blinds to create a relaxing haven to sleep in (or a bat cave as he calls it .... I told you he was a big kid).
4. I always tell my girls that Christmas is a time of giving and we shouldn't be so self indulgent as there are so many families that are not as lucky as them. I don't mean in terms of presents under the tree but there are those that don't have a proper roof over their head and so on my Christmas list this year, I would like to include a Good Gift to provide practical help, that goes directly to those in need and in some cases to help them take the first step out of poverty
Oh and my final request ......
5. An extra hour in the day please Santa!
What is on your list?
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