Wot So Funee : The Frozen Edition
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I loved hosting the Wot So Funee linky last week and it has made me realise how humourous my girls can be because all week I have thought, "ooh that could be my Wot So Funee next week" or "oooh or so could that" but my post today is a short one and is thanks to the powerhouse that is the Disney film Frozen.
Frozen is played every single day in our house.
Every day. I kid you not.
But as the days go on, the little one finds new things to talk (or sing about ..... but remember, I am not allowed to sing or she will turn it off).
Yesterday, she was watching and she started laughing and said:
Toddler : Mummy, Anna has a sweaty head!
Me : A what?
Toddler : A sweaty head mummy, her hair is all over the shop!
Me : Have you been listening to Nanny again?
I think my mum has a lot to answer for!
Wot So Funee is back at its natural home of Actually Mummy today, if you are looking for the linky!
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