Changing Room Behaviour : The difference a few years make!
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It is no secret that my girls love the water and approach it with enthusiasm but even though there are 6 years difference between my girls, how they approach the changing rooms are a totally different story.
Toddler : Happy to run around naked for long periods of time in the changing room, avoiding getting dressed at all costs.
Tween : Would rather put her clothes on over a wet swim suit, than actually get naked in front of anyone.
Toddler : Thinks a towel is something you wear on your head and zoom around in.
Tween : Cannot be seperated from said towel and sits in a cocoon until forced to get ready.
Toddler : Will happily chat to anyone .... whilst naked.
Tween : Avoids eye contact with anyone in the changing room.
Toddler : Will contentedly ask to go to the toilet and walk over the wet floor to do so ..... whilst naked.
Tween : Would not even consider walking on a wet floor in the toilet .... incase it was something other than water.
Toddler : Will ask a stream of questions about anything, including other peoples boobs.
Tween : Do not even mention the word boobs if you want any kind of conversation for the rest of the day.
Toddler : Will try and help you fit everything into your swimming bag .... even if those things don't always belong to you.
Tween : Will repeatedly leave goggles, swim hats and other items in the changing rooms.
Toddler : Cannot wait to get out of the changing room and buy something from the vending machine.
Tween : Cannot wait to get out of the changing room and buy something from the vending machine.
Oh .... maybe they are not so different after all.
What are your children like in the changing room?
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