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The Little Lilypad is a lifestyle blog mostly written by a mum to two beautiful, cheeky and entertaining daughters. It is sometimes written by the Man on the Pad or by one of our baby bloggers. Occasionally we accept guest posts too. There is frequently talk of sustainable living, saving money, lifestyle and travel. It is hopefully helpful, sometimes funny and always honest.

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Category: Sustainable Living

  1. 5 Tips to a Vegan lifestyle after Veganuary has finished

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    Veganuary is a new concept that encourages people to try a vegan diet throughout the month of January but what happens as January ends?

    PIN - LLP - Vegan

    With there being a lot more focus on sustainability one way you can do that is reducing or even stopping any meat and meat product consumption within your household. However, going completely vegan may seem like a bit of a challenge. So if you have enjoyed vegan choices during Veganuary or you are hoping to making more of a switch to vegan here are some of the tips to help you stick with it. 

    Be organised

    One of the best things you can do is to be organised with your food and drinks shopping lists. Make a note of products you use regularly and then do online shops so that you won’t be caught out buying something in a store that isn’t vegan. Some of the hardest things to spot are the items that are not obviously vegan, such as alcohol, for example. Shopping online gives you the chance to check the finer print to ensure the products you are buying are vegan. 

    Meal plan and batch cook

    Another temptation you might find is those days and evenings when you are unsure what to cook or you have prepared something in advance. Those are the times people are more likely to call for a takeout option or be more tempted to not make a vegan meal. Instead meal plan and batch cook where possible. Don’t give yourself an opportunity to fail. 

    Cookbooks can be useful 

    Often people find it difficult to stick with a vegan diet because they are unsure of what to cook or don’t feel as inspired in the kitchen. This is where cookbooks can be useful. One option would be to invest in a decent vegan cookbook but if you are wanting to just try things out then a great option is to check out your local library. You might be surprised what cookbooks are there and it will give you the incentive to try some out before the book needs to be returned. Plus if you like the book you could always buy it. 

    Let people know what you are doing 

    It is important to let your friends and family know that you are embarking on a vegan diet and lifestyle. If you can, try and get the whole family on board as this can make it easier when cooking meals and provides you less temptation. Your friends can also encourage you and help you to stay on track. 

    Is this just about the food or the lifestyle?

    Something to think about is whether Veganuary is just about the food and drink you consume or is it about the lifestyle? This means making further changes such as the things you wear or have in your home. Many people start with food and drink and progress on to other areas of their lives. You need to ensure that you think about whether the things you have are made from animals or animal products. 

    Making more sustainable and vegan food choices doesn't have to be overwhelming, making small changes can make a huge difference to you and the planet.

    PIN - LLP - Vegan (1)

  2. 6 ways to have an eco approach to your parenting

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    Parenting is one of those things that can be a tough period of our lives. While we want to do what we can for our children, we also want to do what we can for our planet. This is where having an eco approach to our parenting practices can make a big difference. But what can you do?

    PIN - 6 ways to have an eco approach to your parenting (1)

    Here are some of the ways to have an eco approach to your parenting. 

    Accept donations

    One of the first things you can do is accept help and donations when they are offered. When you are pregnant you may have friends and family members that want to donate maternity clothes and baby items. Accepting the help and donations can help you to give a second life to some of these things. Not only are you reusing these things but you are also avoiding waste and doing more for the environment. It can also be a big saver on the financials. 

    Re-use what you can 

    Another thing you can do is re-use what you can. Find things that can be reused rather than disposed of. One obvious thing is to use washable nappies and disposable nappies. You can do this for other things as well, such as reusable wipes. Instead of the disposable ones, you can use cloths and wash them as and when they need to be. Re-using things and finding more ecological things to use daily rather than having to waste or throw things in the bin is much better for the environment. 

    Buy second-hand where possible 

    Sometimes you need to buy things for your new baby or children, however, a great tip is to buy second-hand rather than brand new. You are giving a chance or new life to certain things that may not have been used that often. Let’s face it, baby clothes, children’s clothing, as well as other bigger items like cots and chairs are often not used that much as children grow so quickly, so you can not only pick up some bargains but you can also save money in the process. 

    Eat less meat and processed foods

    We all know that eating less meat and avoiding processed foods can make a big difference to the environment, and so as a parent why not try and take this approach when cooking for the family? Batch cooking can help you to create meals and have homemade food ready when you need it the most. The less meat you eat can also impact the environment in a positive way. 

    Eat together 

    On the subject of food, it is also a great idea to try and eat together more often. Making one meal at the same time will help you to lose less energy in the home and also encourage children to try new foods. Batch cooking can also help you to use less energy in your home. 

    Avoid plastic toys or throwaway items 

    Finally, avoiding plastic toys and throwaway items can help you to be more sustainable. Choosing wooden toys and making more informed choices for the things that your children use can help you to be more sustainable with your parenting. 

    Do you have any tips you would add?